There is a rapidly-growing number of resources – and opinions – about ADHD available online. The list below is not exhaustive but contains some links that have been useful to us whilst researching and making Impulse. We are pleased to include information about ADHD Babes and Neuro Knowhow, organisations run by advisors to the project.
ADHD UK is by people with ADHD for people with ADHD. The site contains resources and links for young people and adults, including videos, strategies, self-screeners and information on NHS pathways. is an independent Education and Employment consultancy with a team of qualified consultants, tutors and associates providing Specialist Support, Study Skills, Assistive Technology tutoring and coaching to neurodivergent individuals. support group for Black women and Black non-binary people of African-Caribbean descent with ADHD. See also the ADHD Babes podcast listed on this resources page. https://www.adhdbabes.comMagazine established in 1998 offering expert guidance and support for living better with ADHD and its related mental health conditions.
https://www.additudemag.comADHD Voices brings the perspectives and experiences of children into international debates around rising child psychiatric diagnoses and the increasing use of drugs in child psychiatry. These voices contribute to an empirical evidence base that helps to inform ethical debate, clinical judgment, and national policy. VOICES is a Wellcome Trust funded research project based at the London School of Economics and Political Science.
https://www.adhdvoices.comPromotes the views and needs of people with mental health problems.
0300 123 3393 (Monday to Friday, 9am to 6pm) are open 24/7 for anyone who needs to talk. You can visit some Samaritans branches in person. Samaritans also have a Welsh Language Line on 0808 164 0123 (7pm–11pm every day).
116 123 (freephone) https://samaritans.orgThis is a New York–based organization operates a 24-hour crisis hotline for anyone in the area. Even if you’re not in crisis but feel like you need emotional support, this hotline can help.